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Order Bernando’s Books

Beyond 100
iBook Version

Features: 5 Videos of Bernando LaPallo explaining his philosophy, regimen, favorite food (blueberries!) , dancing at his 111th Birthday Party and conversation with Dolf DeRoos (No recipes). Color illustrations & section on the relativity of aging.

Print Version

Beautiful full-color plates of fruits & vegetables. FAQs about Bernando’s daily regime answered. Includes recipes for items Bernando used daily; Dr Schulze’s Superfood smoothie, Cinnamon tea, Health Salad, Garlic Paste. Bernando shares his tips  on sleep, exercise, water, and salt. Family photos included.

Portuguese - Print Version
(Além dos 100)

“O supercentenário vive para mostrar a pessoas no mundo todo que elas também podem viver até serem idosas, muito idosas, se elas levarem vidas limpas e saudáveis.” Full Color includes recipes FAQ’s on Bernando’s daily habits. Languages: Portuguese and English

Age Less, Live More; Achieving Health and Vitality at 107 and Beyond

Print version (via Lulu.com)

Join Bernando on an outstanding journey as he opens the doors to a new way of living, unhindered by stress and sickness, and shows how to add not just years to your life, but life to your years!

Features: Contains Bernando’s health tips, his top 10 foods, his relationship with his father who influenced him profoundly in his lifestyle choices. Foreword by actress and daughter the late Lee Chamberlin. Illustrations in Black & White

PDF version (via Lulu.com)

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Any PDF Reader / Apple Preview

Printable?: Yes

Spanish version (via Lulu.com)

En 1906, a la tierna edad de cinco, Bernando LaPallo, comenzó a aprender los secretos de la vida larga y la salud optima de su padre. Un médico y herbolario nacido en Brasil. Se le enseñó pacientemente la importancia de la nutrición apropiada, la sabiduría del movimiento y el ejercicio, y el profundo valor de la fe. Fue el principio de una travesía extraordinaria—una vida que se ha prolongado por 107 años sin enfermedad ni ninguna otra afección de las que prevalen en la población mayor hoy día.